Ticket Information

How it works

Every year, we send out a request for lottery ticket forms in the spring (usually sometime in April). If you’re on our mailing list you’ll get a form, either by email or snail mail, depending on your preference

Email forms

Using the personal link that was emailed to you, you’ll fill out your form, press submit and voila, you’re in the lottery!

Snail mail forms

You’ll receive a paper form in the mail. To submit your ticket form, you can either:

  • fill it out and mail it back to the ticket hat, or
  • call the ticket hat and place your order over the phone.

Later in the spring, a few organizers gather to pull names from a hat. The people who are pulled from the hat, are awarded camping passes at the coming year’s festival. Everyone else will receive a ‘sorry’ message.

There are a few types of tickets you can order:

  • Adult weekend pass
    • This means you get to camp and enjoy the festivities all weekend!
  • Adult subsidized pass
    • This type of pass is the same as the adult weekend pass but at a subsidized rate for those on a limited income.

Children 12 and under are free. Any child older than 12 will need an adult camping pass. We don’t offer a youth pass.

Day passes allow you to come for the day but you cannot stay the night. We have a whole page with special info for day passers.


Please note that the ticket prices listed below are accurate as of 2024.

Adult weekend camping pass: $130
Adult weekend subsidized camping pass: $85
Children 12 and under: FREE
Saturday/Sunday day pass: $40


We take payment in the form of:

  • E-transfers
  • Money orders
  • Certified cheque

Our preference is e-transfer!

Ticket accommodations for people who enjoy snail mail

We accommodate everyone’s needs when it comes to ticketing. If you’d prefer to receive your Blue Skies lottery form by snail mail, just let us know! We have a handy binder at the info booth for just this purpose.

A note about fraudulent ticket sales on Facebook

Though we don’t have an official social media presence, we are aware that there is an unofficial Blue Skies Facebook page where people often look to buy or sell camping passes.

While this can be a convenient way to get passes for non-lottery winners, be aware that there have been fraudulent users trying to sell passes on Facebook.

Here are some things you can do to make sure you aren’t a victim of ticket fraud:

  • Ask some people you know if they recognize the name.
  • Check out their profile to see if that can give you any clues.
  • Ask them for a screenshot of their ticket email
  • If you’re still not sure, you can always contact the ticket hat at: tickets@blueskiesmusicfestival.ca
    • They can verify whether the seller has been offered tickets in the lottery, or not.

You should never be asked to pay more than the price listed in the fees section above. If you suspect you have been targeted, report the user to the Facebook page admin immediately.

Have questions?

Contact the ticket hat (Liza) at: tickets@blueskiesmusicfestival.ca

Not on the mailing list but want to be?

You can add yourself to the mailing list by either

Background image of the Blue Skies logo
Button image of a band on stage that links to the Performers Lineup page Button image of the Blue Skies 50th Anniversary logo that links to the 50th Anniversary page Button image that links to the Mailing List page Button image of a Ticket that links to the Ticket Information page Button image of a Day Pass that links to the Day Passes page Button image of Blue Skies that links to the Accessibility page Button image of happy campers at Blue Skies that links to the Camping page Button image that links to the Festival News page Button image showing musical notes over Blue Skies that links to the Songs page Button image showing the BSIC fiddle orchestra that links to the Blue Skies in the Community website Button image of the Ontario logo that links to the Government of Ontario website Button image of the Ontario Arts Council logo that links to the Ontario Arts Council website Button image of the Folk Music Ontario logo that links to the Folk Music Ontario website

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